At every IoPP event, we are required to read our anti-trust policy. It details our guiding principles and code of conduct. Please bear with me while I read the following.

Anti-Trust Policy Statement

IoPP recognizes that the antitrust laws are designed to preserve free and open competition in the marketplace. IoPP is committed to compliance with all requirements of the antitrust laws. IoPP will not play any role in the competitive decisions of its members or in any way restrict competition in member-related industries.

It shall be the special responsibility of committee chairpersons, Institute officers, and officers of chapters to ensure that this policy is known and adhered to in the course of activities pursued under their leadership

It shall be the responsibility of every member of IoPP to be guided by the Institute’s policy of strict compliance with the antitrust laws in all IoPP activities. Each member is responsible for knowing that the antitrust laws forbid certain arrangements among competitors, including but not limited to,

  • Discussion of price, price-making practices or policies.
  • Allocation of customers and markets.
  • Group boycotts and concerted refusals to deal.


Thank you!